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VII Language Study Tour


The Jornada de Estudos de Linguagem is an initiative of the Graduate Program in Language Studies at the Federal Fluminense University. The annual event is made up of three round tables, with topics that cover each of the Program's research lines, which bring together experts from various institutions in the country. The theme of this year's event will be "100 years of General Saussure Language Course".



VII Seminar of the Students of the Graduate Programs of the Institute of Letters / UFF


The Seminar of the Students of the Graduate Programs of the Institute of Letters of the Fluminense Federal University is an annual event organized by the students of the Language Studies and Literature Studies programs of the UFF.With the objective of promoting and promoting debates about the scientific production developed in the programs, it is destined to the masters and doctoral students, besides including the presentation of the researches developed by students of scientific initiation of the undergraduate courses in Literature of the UFF. This year, the event reaches its seventh edition with the theme "Reflections on language and literature".


Last Updated on Monday, 11 September 2017 13:45

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