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Revista Gragoatá aims at circulating, domestically and internationally, original articles, translated articles and reviews of works that represent outstanding contributions both to a broader theoretical reflection and to the analysis of specific issues, procedures and methods in the areas of Linguistics, Literature and related areas.
A revista Icarahy aims at circulating the intellectual output of faculty members and students from different institutions. It is divided in four parts: Language Dossier, Literature Dossier, Essays (free topics) and Interview/Guest/Review (optional). It aims at encompassing the multiple aspects and demands of academic knowledge.
Publication that brings together full papers presented at the annual edition of the Seminar of the Students of UFF’s Graduate Language and Literature Programs (SAPPIL). The event is organized by the students of UFF’s Graduate Program in Language Studies and graduate Program in Literary Studies.
Official public announcement aimed at the selection of unpublished material, including translations, to be published as a book, resulting from research carried out within the Program.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 July 2017 00:53

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